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Signaline Catenary Wire is available as an optional addition to any of the Signaline Linear Heat Detection cables.

Signaline Catenary Wire aids in installing Signaline cable in areas which may be difficult to access, have large spans to cover or fixing the cable at the normal recommended spacing (up to 1.5m / 5ft intervals) would be
too difficult or time consuming.

The catenary wire is spiralled around the cable and makes the detector cable self-supporting.

A turnbuckle hook and support is sold separately to complete the installation.

Signaline FT -EN and FT cables come complete with hard wearing and durable outer coatings. However, in some applications, such as engine bays or conveyor belts, there can be a risk of mechanical damage to the Linear Heat Detectors.

In these applications we can offer any of our Signaline FT-EN or FT cables with a braided stainless steel outer coating. The standard cable has an additional SS316L braid weaved around it to ensure the highest level of mechanical protection.

The result is an immensely strong and durable linear heat detector that can be placed into areas were the cable maybe subject to mechanical damage.

Signaline LocatorPlus is a revolutionary new controller and alarm locator for Signaline FT and Signaline FT-R range of linear heat detectors.

Housed in an IP66 enclosure the Signaline LocatorPlus is capable of monitoring 2 separate zones of Signaline FT or Signaline FT-R, with up to 3km of cable per zone. Signaline LocatorPlus will give exact alarm location, via its LCD display, of any over heat along either zone of cable.

It is compatible with either conventional or addressable fire systems via the alarm relay contacts and offers further connectivity via the MODBUS output.

The Signaline LocatorPlus also offers two operating functions; Independent or Interlocking mode. When set to Independent if either zone of cable alarms this is immediately reported via the relays to the control panel. Alternatively Interlocking will wait for both lines of cable to be in alarm before triggering the relays.

Signaline LocatorPlus is UL approved and can be integrated with a suitable barrier when the linear heat detection is to be used within a hazardous area

Signaline Fixed Temperature Linear Heat Detector (Signaline FT) detects a build up of heat anywhere along its length. When any point along the length of the cable reaches a predetermined temperature an alarm is initiated. Signaline FT is available in four different temperature settings and two outer cover options making the Signaline FT suitable for use in a very wide range of applications

Signaline Fixed Temperature Linear Heat Detector (Signaline FT) detects a build up of heat anywhere along its length. When any point along the length of the cable reaches a predetermined temperature an alarm is initiated. Signaline FT is available in four different temperature settings and two outer cover options making the Signaline FT suitable for use in a very wide range of applications