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Signaline is very proud to announce the launch of its latest innovative linear heat detection cable; Signaline HD+ 

Signaline HD+ is a smart solution for linear heat detection. It uses a special sensor cable that monitors for temperature changes along its whole length. 

This means it provides ongoing and full monitoring. Thanks to this technology, it can quickly find any rise in heat, which may point to a fire risk. 

Signaline HD+ is very sensitive. It can catch even the smallest changes in normal temperature. This helps with quick action to prevent fires. 

Approved to EN54 part 22, by VdS, and UL approved, Signaline HD+ is Signaline’s first globally approved product. 

Available in standard, nylon or stainless steel coatings Signaline HD+ can be used across a variety of applications. Including use within car parks, freezer rooms, cable risers, ceilings voids, industrial kitchens, cable trays, transformers and many other applications besides

Used in combination with the programmable linear heat detection controller Signaline HD+ can be set to variable alarm and pre-alarm temperatures. 

What is a Programmable Linear Heat Detector? 

Linear heat detection is a simple and easy to use form of heat detection. It utilizes a temperature sensitive cable and control unit to indicate if over-heating has occurred in the protected area. 

Signaline now offers both resettable and non-resettable linear heat detection. 

Non Resettable linear heat detection, such as Signaline FT or Signaline FT-EN, uses a two core cable that will activate at a certain temperature. Once activated the length of cable in alarm will need replacing. 

Whereas Signaline HD+ will return to a normal state after an alarm event providing the cable hasn’t been damaged. 

What makes Signaline HD+ programmable is that it has the capability to have set pre-alarm and alarm temperatures. 

Meaning that you can tailor the linear heat detection to the required specification of the area that you are protecting. 

Signaline HD+ Controller and End of Line Complete the system and allow for user selectable alarm temperatures

What are the benefits of Programmable Linear Heat Detection? 

Linear Heat Detection is unique in being a detector in cable form. Meaning you can run cable into areas that other fire detections devices cannot go. For example, running linear heat detection around car parks or solar panels is a very affective form of heat detection. 

Signaline HD+ has a number of additional benefits compared to current Linear heat detection products. 

Firstly, the programmable alarm temperature allows installers to set specific alarm and pre-alarm temperatures. Ensuring that any over-heating is detected and reported at the earliest opportunity. 

The construction of the cable also ensures protection against environmental factors like moisture, dust and saline environments, eliminating false alarms. 

Being available in various outer coatings allows Signaline HD+ to be used in nearly any application regardless of environmental conditions 

Signaline HD+ is also UL approved and carries EN54 part 22 approval from VdS. This dual approval allows this product to be used across European and global markets. 

With easy fire and fault connections Signaline HD+ programmable linear heat detector can be connected to any fire detection system or used as a stand-alone over-heat detector for special applications. 

Where do you use programmable linear heat detection? 

Linear heat detection is not affect by environmental conditions. Therefore it is a perfect solution for fire detection in environmentally challenging conditions. 

For example, car parks are often exposed to moisture, dust and exhaust fumes. Yet, as seen in recent car park fires in Luton airport or Liverpool arena, fire detection in these environmentally difficult areas is imperative. 

Other applications for Signaline HD+ Programmable Linear Heat Detection include – 

  • False ceilings void – Signaline HD+ can be placed in the space between the hard constructed ceiling and false ceiling. 
  • Industrial kitchens – where fluctuations in ambient temperature and environmental gases and oil are to be expected programmable linear heat detection is an excellent solution to detect over heating conditions 
  • Escalators and moving walkways – hard to access and with likely mechanical risks using Signaline HD+ can be used to ensure detection of any over heating 
  • Recycling centers – the mixture of materials that converge at recycling centers can lead to an increase risk of fire. Signaline HD+ is not affected by environmental conditions and can provide affective early warning of over heating 
  • Power cables – from renewable to non-renewable power generation, power cables are critical to modern day infrastructure. Often exposed and in unmanned areas power cables can be a source of fire. Signaline HD+ programmable linear heat detection will pick up the early increases in temperature across power cables. 

Combined with our range of high quality and EN54 compatible fixing and installation accessories such as the Q clip, Signaline HD+ will always be the right choice for fire detection and increased compliance. 

With the addition of Signaline HD+, our range of Linear Heat Detection now encompasses UL, FM, EN54 part 28 and EN54 part 22 options and has resettable and non-resettable product ranges. 

Ensuring Signaline detects any heat, anywhere. 

For further information please contact sales on +44 (0) 1252 725257 or 

Hazardous area brochure full. Intrinsically safe and explosion proof products from LGM Products.LGM Products is pleased to announce that our new hazardous area product brochure for 2017 is now available for download.

Facility safety within hazardous areas is paramount and the new brochure contains a comprehensive range of explosion proof and intrinsically safe (I.S.) products which will help keep workers and equipment safe from industrial fires and accidents.

You’ll also find the latest products suitable for hazardous areas such as HDL probe heat detectors, the RFD IR3 flame detector and the GNEx range of sounders and beacons.

All the units listed in the brochure have at least one third party certification from a recognised international body as evidence of the quality of the products we can offer.

These approvals include ATEX, IECEX, INmetro, GOST-R, SIL and UL among others.

Download the new brochure now, browse our hazardous area webpages or contact our sales team for further information and quotations.

Email or call us on 01252 725257.